
About Welly2Wivey
Our Aims
To connect nature, communities & organizations in a broad corridor between the settlements of Wellington & Wiveliscombe by:
Mapping all nature reserves and projects, no matter how small, within this corridor. Connected habitats support animal movement and the flourishing of biodiversity.
Hosting a digital forum that connects our communities and shares our experience, skills, resources, time and knowledge to encourage the greatest positive change possible.
Promoting and supporting green activity of all descriptions - from farmers accessing national funding schemes to gardeners linking hedgehog highways - building on what is already in place and helping the establishment of new groups and activities.​
From individuals and local groups, to town councils and NGOs, we aim to nurture straightforward positive connections that make lives richer.
For every ailment under the sun
There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it;
If there be none, never mind it.
- Mother Goose, 1827, adp by WW Bartley
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